I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you
That's all fine with me! :]

Rage could be a powerful weapon when used correctly. Hybrid knew this well, and had attempted on many occasions to mould his emotions to suit his needs. Although he despised this, he was naturally an honest soul (or so he liked to believe), so when he tricked someone, he felt the lie reverberate through his bones and settle in his marrow (or so he tricked himself into believing). There was really only one problem; Hybrid could not remember if he was truly an honest creature, or if he had tricked himself into believing it. That was where the complications arose. He supposed that no matter what the case was, he could convince himself otherwise if he so chose.

Perhaps he would. He wondered what else he could convince himself of. Could he convince himself that he was in love with, say, Gabriel? That would be fun (quite fun), but not so fun if Gabriel did not reciprocate such feelings. Hybrid wondered if it would be just as fun pretending to like someone as truly liking them. He had liked Pilot (well, a little; he was a wolf after all). What that really meant was he had liked the sex, and he had liked the male's compliance (but found it a little boring after a while). Truth be told, he wasn't so peeved Pilot was gone now (or was he?) He wasn't too certain; but it didn't matter (or did it?) Perhaps he could turn this indifference into anger or sorrow and harness it in some form. Fuel, perhaps, for his next fight.

A strange grin snaked across the male's face as he began to realize the implications of the thought. Could he truly make himself angry with no provocation? Could he sit there and find hatred boiling underneath his skin? Perhaps, perhaps. He would have to try this. He would need a test subject.

It took twenty minutes. But he had his test subject; a wolf that was barrelling toward him at a reckless speed, crashing through the branches and ploughing through bushes to get to him. Hybrid grinned, but quickly turned that into a snarl. He was angry; no, he was livid. He let the girl come, let her charge, leap, snarl and snap, and then step away. His false anger gave away to calm indifference as he simply stepped aside to evade her attack. He felt her claws brush past and take a chunk of fur and skin with it, slashing a small, but deep wound on his shoulder. Hmm. Just as quickly, he replaced his composed demeanour with silent ruthlessness. It would not do for him to simply stand there.

Just as soon as he stepped aside, his lowered his body slightly and bounded forward to attack the girl from her side, moving quickly and leaping at her like she had to him.


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