I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Yay! I'd like it if Savina only got bites and cuts, like we discussed before, nothing too serious or maimy. Anything particular for Hybrid, or just expected injuries as well? Also this is my first actual "fight" thread, so tips are greatly appreciated XD

At the last moment the coyote stepped to the side, avoiding what could have been a bone-crushing impact. Of course, it wouldn't be that easy, now would it? Though it wasn't all for loss. She had managed to tear a chunk from him. A rather unimpressive injury, but better than none at all. The beast put on the brakes, but at the speed she had been traveling it was a few yards before she came to a halt.

Blazing emerald orbs turned to capture her opponent just in time to see him charge her as well. A menacing snarl came past her curled lips. He leaped, but instead of trying to avoid the attack all together the wolf rose up onto her hind legs, talon-like claws outstretched to rip into his body again. A deafening roar came from her throat. The monster was ready for this.


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