a blizzard when hot.
It was obvious that Haku wanted an answer, though of the threats of leaving the area. Pendzez wanted to be out of here too before he becomes the ravens next meal, however, walking away without even an explanation of why he came here just didn't seem right. Pendzez was going to regret staying longer in the land, but he had to explain the current situation to wolf that was there. He turned around, once again facing Haku with a bit fear in his eyes.

He had to remove the proof that there was fear in his eyes, so he tried to calm himself, taking a deep breath before opening his mouth. "You wanna know why I came here. I can tell." He said that for a starter so Haku would lash out at him. "I was on my way to Sable et Rivages from Phoenix Valley. I know there were two ways. One was going through neutral territory, but I've been going on that path so many times, it was getting boring. So, I took the second, but it meant passing through this packland. I thought if I remain on the outskirts, I'd be fine, but then I was getting tired, so I took a rest here. I knew of the danger, I knew of what I might get myself into. For that, I'm sorry."

Pendzez took another breath after speaking. He was hoping that Haku would see it as the truth, for it was the truth. Pendzez thought it was now time to go, so he he spun around and started to walk the way he previously was gonna go.

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