you're yesterday's child to me
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Jefferson sighed. He'd always hoped it wouldn't come to this after the accident--that he had to be the consultant, and she was the one needing the consulting. He was suddenly reminded of when he had sought her out shortly after hearing of his name and past from Laruku; she had comforted him then, set him on the right track, sent him on his way more confidently than he had entered. He hadn't realized it right away, how much she meant to him as a leader, and the brute was desperately trying to avoid noticing the daggers being stabbed at his heart again and again each time she spoke. Her tone of voice, her aura, her expressions were like the knives being twisted, and her sighs made him scowl differently than he had before. He wasn't sure Skylar noticed as she began to wander the area, suddenly feeling dismissed by the two opposing adults and their conversation that was evidently over her head.

"Don't get sappy. We all know how much you're worth already," he pleaded with her gruffly, though his tone was no different than before. If it hadn't been obvious before, showing little emotion was one of Jefferson's faults. "You've been running this pack for far too long for nobody to notice yet. Give me a break." He straightened his back as new thoughts flowed into his head, and his voice grew rough. "You think losing your sight makes you worthless now, like you can't do a damn thing anymore. Then how the hell did I get this far missing a goddamn eye?!"


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