Just Another Ordinary Day
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The young boy could barely contain his excitement as his mother began to lower the crown onto his head. It took all his might to keep from bouncing around and wiggling like a worm. With his mother being the leader of their pack, the boy couldn't help but kind of picture himself as a prince. He never really admitted that to anyone else, and it wasn't at all in a "I think I'm better than you" way. He just wanted to be a brave knight, and lots of the time, the knights were princes. So in his mind, that made him a legitimate knight possibility.

The cold metal slide down over his ears and rested on his head. It was a little heavy, but not too bad. The feeling that shot through his small body was amazing. His momma had just crowned him! Alright, that sounded a bit more grand than it actually was, but it was still cool anyway! "Yahs!! I wants to wear it arounds!" Jade eyes looked up to his snowy mother. "Mommas, am I likes da pwince of Cwimson Dweams?" If he was going to ask anyone it would be her. She would understand that he wasn't trying to think of himself as above anybody else. It was just to fuel his imagination.


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