Stay away from Juliet
Ooh, thank you!!! I do too :]]]]]

Another pause in the scratching. She put the piece of chalk up, clapping her hands together to get rid of the dust that had collected on them. She had a few other smudges of white on her, and they stood out starkly against her dark fur. She rubbed at a white patch, trying to get it to come off, but only succeeded in spreading it around more. "I don't know how he is" She said, shrugging.

"He ran off one day while I wasn't home. I waited and waited...but he never came back. And now that pack's gone, so even if he does come back...I probably won't find him." She still didn't know how she felt about it. She just wished that she had a cause, some reason why he had left so that she could choose whether to be angry or not. Instead, she was in an almost constant state of hurt and confusion.

"What about you? You hooked up with anyone yet? I wouldn't recommend it"


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