I was a scarlet letter
That's ok =D

She had found that it was better not to think of family members as family sometimes. Ember had found that she often drew away from her family...so she had taken to keeping her distant cousins and adopted relatives as "friends" instead of family members. It made it easier. She didn't have to visit them or keep up with their lives...and they didn't form some weird blood bond with her that made them feel like they had to look after her.

"Distantly related, then. Cercelee is my cousin." She wasn't sure what to say about Davinci. She'd never really known him; he'd run off when she was a baby, and Firefly had followed him. Then their mother had left, to go and look for Firefly. So...the reason that she'd been without a mother for most of her puppyhood was him...was Davinci. And Ember wasn't really interested in keeping in contact with people who had messed up her life once in the past; she probably wouldn't talk to him if she did see him around. Whatever he looked like.

"I haven't run into him." She chose to say, shrugging. A few moments passed before she said something else, this time a question. "What do you do around here for fun? I haven't been this way in a while"


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