Fly into my palm...and collapse.
Geneva's face broke into a bright, soft smile when Ember accepted her invitation. She wasn't sure why, but she felt very pleased. She wanted to prolong her meeting with the dark-pelted wolfess for as long as possible. There was something about her presence that was exciting. Geneva didn't excite very easily, but there was something just so interesting about Ember, something that drew her in. She couldn't put a name to it.

She thought for a moment before she answered the girl's questions. She wasn't all together certain what the right answer would be. She didn't want to shatter Ember's delicate acceptance. But she wanted to be honest with her, she decided. There was no need to dress up her words, to make her answer pretty, something that the wolfess might want to hear. "Well, I figured with your injury that hunting must be pretty hard," she began. Then her voice became just a bit softer, "And...I didn't want you to go."

She felt warmth flooding her face at the admission. This was so ludicrous. Shaking her head slightly, she tossed a glance toward the direction of her kills. Smiling lightly, she turned that way and waited for Ember to join in walking with her that way.


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