Everything is going to be okay.
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... itable.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Jefferson cocked a brow when the timid, nervous little thing looked him over. He recognized that look in her eyes, a sort of fear one could only possess when things were plaguing the mind. His single eye spared her a similar look-over, and instead, his mind twisted and turned with thoughts he began to put together and suppose conclusions. She was on their lands looking for Iskata, which was fine, except that it was plain as day that she had no idea where she was going, nor did she have a certain amount of experience meandering Phoenix Valley or its borders... or so he guessed.

He began to wonder how much the world would suffer if Iskata suddenly kicked the bucket, seeing as so many wandered onto their lands looking for her. Had any of them even heard of her accident, or were they just being rude? "She's not taking visitors," he answered stiffly, closing his eye and beginning to limp past her nonchalantly. She didn't much interest him, no, but she was not welcome there. They didn't need more strangers frolicking their lands and stressing out Iskata at the same time. As he stepped in front of her, he turned and blocked her path and forced a crooked smile, and out of his throat crawled a sickly-sweet tone: "Nice to meet you, Adelaides. I'm Jefferson." The smile dropped to a bitter scowl immediately. "Now, I suggest you leave."


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