Never Know How To Play It Safe

Pickles learned of the coyote’s presence long before Adelaida, whom as always was lost in her own thoughts, did. Scurrying up Adelaida’s foreleg, half climbing half hopping, he came to be atop her head and squeaked as quietly as he could in her ear. Knowing Adelaida’s biased towards the species, Pickles wished to be as quiet as possible as he raised the alarm, hoping that Adelaida would understand, as she never did fully understand him as well as Alexey could. Hearing the squeak and taking note of the chinchilla’s strange behavior Adelaida paused and sniffed the air, strained her ears, and found the tell tale smells and sounds of the creature Pickles was warning her of.

Limbs froze and Adelaida debated retreating. If she continued forward, she would come face to face with the coyote, but if she returned the way she had come, they would never meet. Taking one step backwards Adelaida felt the rodent atop her sigh in relief, and the masked female couldn’t quite explain it but this annoyed her. Voices of her siblings filled her head once more, Pickles, like them, felt that he knew best for her and without another through Adelaida plowed forward. The snow crunched underfoot and her breath came in huffs. Certainly, now that she was so close, the coyote could hear her, but even as the coyote came into view Adelaida did not speak. She simply came closer, closer, closer, until there were merely yards between the two canines. Still Adelaida did not speak, but stood in plain sight of the creature, the air escaping her lips in bursts, and a silly rodent atop her head. Brilliant blue eyes stared at the white creature, such a strange pelt for a coyote, and Adelaida waited to see what would happen while Pickles held his breath.


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