Never Know How To Play It Safe
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She stumbled a little bit as her feet slid over hidden, snow covered rocks. Back home it had been ice over ice on top of ice...with no real threat of tripping. One could just give up and slide if they wanted to, and most of the time they would be able to get pretty far. It depended on the temperature outside, though. The colder it was, the easier it was to slide. But there had been days where the snow had been smushy and where her feet had gone right through it, too.

But it had never completely melted. Siobhan wondered idly about what the seasons were like here in the South. She was uneducated, really...she wasn't sure if it stayed snowy here all year round, or if the snow would melt away later on. And if it did melt away, what would that look like? What was under all the snow?

She thought about this as she walked, putting her hands into her pockets. Her eyes were focused completely on the ground in front of her, on watching for more rocks, and she didn't notice the presence of the other until she took a glance upwards. Siobhan froze, eyes wide, unprepared for the sight of the other, much larger creature. There certainly were many strange looking creatures around this area! She'd never seen a wolf before in her life; she began taking steps backwards, but tripped over another rock. She was up again in a moment, though, glancing back to look for some sort of cover. Of course, snow was probably the best cover she would be able to find...with her pelt the shade it was.

But there wasn't anything really close to her that she could hide behind; she was completely at the other's mercy. Surely this big animal was capable of chasing her down; she could cross the distance in a few leaps! Siobhan put a hand up to her mouth, mind still racing. What if it wanted to eat her? It wasn't saying anything--maybe it didn't speak the same language she did. Then how would she be able to tell it not to eat her?! And would it even care? And that weird thing that was there with it...what the heck was that?

She reached for a small tree for support, using it to help her keep her balance on the slippery rocks. Siobhan was shaking, and her small movements shook the tree as well, making the leaves quiver and rub together. Small bits of snow fell down, littering the ground around her, some getting onto her brightly colored parka. "You...eats Siobhan?"

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