We're one mistake from being together
http://i38.tinypic.com/awqe6o.jpg); background-position:bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 520px; border: 1px solid #fff; background-color: #cde8f1;">

Don't touch too much - you touch too much

The grey male slept outside, in the biting cold, though he did not mind it. The snow fell slowly, ever so slowly, covering his body, but he did not mind that either. He enjoyed the feeling of content, the thought that for once the need to travel did not eat at his bones, that he could simply be and not worry about pretending to be something other than Lubomir. He knew that he need not complain, that he was accepted here. He had yet to meet everyone in the pack, but he would. Eventually he would. There was no rush, now.

Lubomir lifted himself off the ground and shook his pelt. He would walk around a bit, then perhaps sleep. That would be best for his recovery. He would walk the borders, watch the spread of frozen land and then sleep. A solid plan. Lost in his thoughts, the memories of those he had met, the scent of the female hit him full on. He could see himself getting mauled by Gabriel one day if he kept at it like this. Soon, after a bend in the border, her form came into view. Lubomir gazed on her with a pained heart. Ember. The one he had once loved. Thought he loved. Been infatuated with. Loved. Whatever that was. She had grown, of course, but she was lovely as ever. The male walked towards her, making sure to be as loud as possible. No point scaring her.


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