I Heard It Through The Grapevine
How much longer? "It will be soon, I imagine. They move a lot, and I'm looking forward to having it over with," she laughed. She was going to ignore the question about Lucifer, but Taliesin spoke up in his inmimicable way. "Daddy hates it, casue they aren't his. They are Hah...ha....hachu's. But hachu don't wanna deal with 'em either." Deuce's face warmed under her fur. She sighed tal's name, looking down at the pale boy.

Her gaze returned to Jazz. "In my defense, I got pregnant when your father and I were split up, after he kicked me out of twilight vale." She then responded to the rest of the dark child's words. "We've missed you too. And yes, I've been eating and tking care of myself. Lucifer and Jefferson keep the pack well stocked. We don't go without, here in the Valley."

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