I see the paths that your eyes wander down
It's fine... Don't mind me... When I get into a charrey I can't help how long the posts turn out to be but I will try and keep them toned down.

She wasn't so so young. Naniko only topped her by about a year. So what if she was rather petite? Premature offspring generally remained smaller for awhile. It was enough that she was healthy and quite spirited. Especially since she grew up around illness. In truth there didn't seem to be much that could get her down. She was the bright spot that Taceli hadn't necessarily had. She was the optomist in a world of doubters. But then she had been sheltered from the harsh realities that her older relatives hadn't been. So basically she was an optomist because she didn't know better.

Ears perked up as she caught the sounds of a voice that wasn't her own. Looking away she noticed the other female for the first time. Woah... she was huge. Head tilted back so that she could stare up at the towering giant standing on two legs. But doing so caused Selene to topple onto her back. The youth landed with a soft 'oof.' She didn't seem to realize it, or else she just didn't care. Selene simply remained rested on her back in the snow (it did make it easier to look up at her older sibling this way) and tail wagged slowly back and forth. She had a habit of getting happy and excited over the smallest of things and so new faces and company was just another of those small things that made her happy.

"Mom said that Dad is in Chimera. She said something about a burnt building. If I can find that building then I can find my Dad." It all sounded so simple to her. The strange thing was that she actually believed that it was just that easy. Believed that if she could find the structure then her dad would be there waiting for her. Believed that if she could see her dad then her mom would miraculously get better. It just proved how innocent and trusting she really was.


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