Self Examination for Dummies
The hybrid had no use for tiptoeing around questions and things that were right infront of you. Normally it just lead to irritation and annoyance when the other knew you were trying to be gentle and ease around the facts. That wasn't his real reason, he was just gruff with a mouthful of hot shots and comebacks to ruffle the fur if his mood was right. Today it seemed his mood was perfectly set. With her answer he just raised a brow and shrugged. "Doesn't surprise me, but I've seen worse done by your own kind too." he said with blunt honestly.

She had narrowed her eyes as she'd continued and watched hom cooly though he had heard her sob story before from one end of the world to the other, even his own had the same undertones. He grinned at her comments on Inferni and just shook his head. "You could say it's in my blood to opose the clan.." In all truths his mother would let him do whatever he wanted, she might not like it but she'd watch him go with those sad eyes like she did time and time before with the rest of the Sadira line.

Stretching out his long legs he yawned as though the conversation bored him as he moved it along. "So why are you hiding out here? Got no place to call home?" he asked, the taunt and tease trying to find someway to get beneith her skin and yet learn more about her at the same time.

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