bound for flames

I am so awesome. I managed to quote The Dark Knight in both this and the Jasper thread. Don't judge me. :|

     Something in his head was pulsing, and he had a vague idea that it might be his heart. The cold was still all around him, and he was aware of this, but the fire and the whiskey spoke to him. Another voice, one just as familiar, came from behind him. She questioned, as was expected. He had no answers. Nothing meant anything, the blind man had told him. If that held true, then such an act truly was pointless. Ahren didn’t care; it made him feel something. Nothing had done that for months. He barely felt the snow.
     It was her latter question, the one that registered, that drew laughter from deep in his chest. He laughed and stared ahead, transfixed. When he finally did break his gaze, good eye following the motion of his head to focus on her, he was smiling. Mad, perhaps as he had always been; but an honest smile none the less.

“Do I really look like the kind of guy with a plan?”


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