Endless rain into a paper cup
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Phoenix wasn’t too proud, but he didn’t think it was appropriate to admit to Dierdre that he had needed her just as much as she needed him. His benefaction to her had not been entirely altruistic. She’d come looking for a father figure the same time he’d been in desperate need for someone to care about, and for someone, anyone, to care about him. She’s had a knack for showing up when it was furthest down, too, helping him forget his troubles, if only for a moment. “You an’ Pilot are both lucky t’have each other,” he observed. It was odd, being the father of a wolf old enough to have a mate herself, but he enjoyed having Pilot officially be a part of his family.

Phoenix couldn’t stop chuckling as he lifted her up onto his shoulders. The last time they’d done anything like this she’d been much smaller, and not quite as heavy. But he was still considerably larger than her and he managed. Sometimes being over eight and a half feet could come in handy. “We make a good team,” he commented as he lowered her to the ground and pulled out from between her legs. He took the bow he’d chosen and inspected it carefully.

“Y’know how t’work one of these things?” he asked as he pulled off an arrow and set it in the bow. He pointed it away from them and took aim to test the strength of the string. Long ago his friend Drako had told him the story of a human who’d taken from the corrupt wealthy leaders and distributed the spoils amongst the poor. This had been his weapon of choice and Phoenix had seen a couple pictures of it in use. The trick would be learning how to aim with it. Obviously it could be done… he just wasn’t sure how.

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