Baby girl, I'm just a blur

Eye lids fluttered, and her breath had returned to her hungry lungs. The dizziness subsided, but the smell was still in the air, The black female spoke to her her, though the wards seemed jumbled and mixed in her clouded mind. Something about a fire, and maybe food. She nodded, hoping for water as well.

She stepped backward, away from the death that had almost made her faint. whooohs Her little voice squeaked as she sat on her rump in hoped of stabling herself. The sticks had been jumbled together and her friend had been working on getting a fire going.

Cold air fresh and without the scent of the fish guts swept passed her nose, giving her new life. Mommas Anu makes fire, but she wonts teach me. her voice was drowsy but clearer then before. Maybe this wolf would be able to show her how to spark the flames, and forget the bloody insides of the murdered fish.


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