Long Distances

Should we bring this to a close soon? OuO

Cwmfen smiled as she listened, the white orbs watching the ground. The fae was naïve concerning such a topic, and so she was relieved when the other female did not ridicule her for it. She was glad that love seemed to be a complicated thing—and for everyone, not just her. The concept was so curiously ambiguous: difficult, exhilarating, and gentle? Indeed this thing called love was a trifle. It was no wonder she had never experienced it, such was its complexity. She had never been looking for it—not directly anyway—and such complexity did not merely make itself available. It was like death, she supposed. Even dying took some effort. “Why can love not be simpler?” she asked aloud. “Yet, if it was so simple, would even be worth one’s while?”

She smiled to herself. Perhaps that was why so many sought it so deeply—because it was so worth while. She wondered if she would find it. “Yes.... A friendship would bring familiarity, which would lead to a stronger bond!... Right?” Her social habits, or, more likely, her lack of it, hindered her. This solitary life had been a comfortable one, but the maturing body and mind desired another to share life with, if not just its passions. Perhaps, too, one to share its hardships....

“I’m beginning to understand why it’s so difficult to define,” the alto voice laughed softly. Geneva Stockholm seemed to take on a wistful tone, and so Cwmfen took care to listen more carefully, to understand better the words of this stone-hued female. She did think that she would feel a strange exhilaration to be near the loved one, but— But then Geneva was trailing off, and the black, woad-marked fae leaned in closer, eager to hear the last of the remark. What do you think? What is the best kind for you? She wanted to know, this virgin of relationships, of love and its ways. The white orbs crossed over the green eyes of the other female sitting opposite her, and found that she had fallen into some sort of deeper thought, a reminiscence, perhaps. The black female fell patiently awaiting the end to that thought, and when it came, she was glad that she had heard it. A light smile came to her lips.

“Mmm,” she murmured quietly, a sound of agreement and of curiosity. “That would take Love to move someone to self sacrifice....” The warrior thought about it for a moment. Such an act would go against the instinct that pushed her and many others to survive. But it was also a concept vaguely familiar to her.... Was that not the way of the warrior too? “I would be willing—for someone I love.” Cwmfen hoped that she did not sound selfish of conceded.

“But...” she began softly. “But how do you know when you’re in love? Or...how do you know when you are loved in return?” This sort of rejection was something that she feared. To love someone and not have it returned? ...She supposed that it was better to have loved than never at all.


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