two paths
DaVinci's eyes flicked back to Jefferson for a moment when he cracked back at the silvery hybrid's taunts. For once instead of coming back with a remark he just turned away and to the silence, his mind haunted by thoughts of the girl he hoped would want to spend the rest of her life with him.. and yet their lives made that impossible. Just one moment in time he regretted teasing the male that he knew had no problem finding ways of shotting right back at him. His stormy eyes darkened as he growled slightly. "Too bad I'll never know.." he said as his ears pinned back against his skull.

He rolled Zana over with his hand as she began to chew on the bottle instead of drink from it. He listened half heartedly as Jefferson tried to come to some wise decision of how Iskata would recover after all was said and done. DaVinci was silent a moment before he just shook his head, knowing better than Jefferson the way the woman was. "She's too proud.." He hated being so negative about the horror that his mother was going through but he had known the woman he had seen her world become twisted and warped, spiraling downhill until it seemed like nothing could save her. He bared his fangs as he chuckled darkly. "Only some bastard that made her believe she was his everything save her last time.. and then he disappeared into the smokey haze after the fire died down.." Anyone who knew the family could and would tell you there was little love between Iskata's second mate and her firstborn son and there never would be. Right from the start Phoenix had it in his head that DaVinci was a bad egg, perhaps he was right but it didn't matter now, DaVinci was here now and Phoenix was gone.

When Jefferson finally gave him an answer on how he felt about children DaVinci just shook his head and picked Zana up and handed her over to the leader as he raised a brow. "Gonna start with this one? She'd probably thank you for it.." He shook his head as he pulled at the puppy's ears. "You know.. ease the pain of having to deal with those like Deuce and all." DaVinci knew that Deuce could only stand the set of hybrids in her mist because they were all relatives of her friends but he doubted that would hold true if any of them joined the darker side of their blood and walked with the clan. He turned his eyes towards Jefferson as he asked. "You even think about joining Inferni.. I mean, wolves, coyotes.. only difference is appearance?" The male was only thinking of Ryan at the moment and the clan he could never join but now.. second hand thoughts were ruining him.

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