Rules arn't for me

The young wolfs stomach growled again making her wonder how long could she go with out food? This cabin was proving to be warm, and that was about it. She couldn't change into her other form yet, or at least she hadn't yet, maybe she could, but she hadn't gone about doing it. Sitting down Svara let everything sink in. Here she was in a pack, or at least in a insane males warm cabin, with his sadistic lover. The young wolf smirk slightly, she probably was better off outside in the snow, but at least this was more entertaining.

Caught in thought, Svara didn't notice the female until she was right upon her. Surprised the young wolf jumped back and bared her white fangs, her fur risen along her spine. When she noticed who it was her fur fell back down on her spine. Sharp green eyes watched the female closley even after she knew who it was. Svara hadn't found much fondness for the she-wolf since the moment she had met her in the snows. Something just said, back stabbing wench', to the young pup.

Her words made Svara snort and roll her eyes. "Oh you know I'm planting bombs and such. While I was at it I also poisoned everything edibale." Svara muttered dryly. "Why do you ask such stupid questions?" The pup asked genuinly curious. Svara watched the female, who was obviously either gaining weight or pregnant. Sitting back on her haunches she kept her guant and still simi-weak body tense. She would be ready to move quickly if need came. Unlike most Svara was the idiot that fought, even if the odds were against her. Taking a deep breath the scent of alchohal was familiar to the girl and her ears flicked back in distaste. Where was the meat!? The childs stomach rumbled again.


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