I recall the push more than the fall
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... banner.jpg); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
No worries!

His words intrigued her, and gave her some form of comfort. Though this was one experience her life's journey could have done without. She had felt bad after the other times it had happened, but nothing like this. The other times she hadn't been the leader of a pack. She hadn't chosen to share her life with another. Large, important responsibilities were on her shoulders, and she had shrugged them off in a fit of rage. What Hybrid had done to Pilot was awful, but was it really worth the cost now? Savina didn't think so.

Even in her emotionally fragile state, the obsidian fey could sense the kindness of the male. She was truly thankful for it. A part of her tried to smile at him as he moved closer, but her lips couldn't turn upwards. As if they had temporarily forgotten how to. She took a deep breath, there was no sense in beating around the bush. "I betrayed the trust of my pack...and my mate. A good friend had disappeared, and when I found him again he told me that a coyote from Inferni had...done things to him." The thought of it still made her sick to her stomach. "I was so angry that I ran off to find him. I have a problem, and when I become mad I can lose control of myself. I lost control and I got in a fight with that coyote. I don't really remember what happened exactly."

"But with that one foolish action I could have put the whole pack in danger. I had promised my mate that I would come to him for help when something like that happened. I broke that promise and I risked the safety of those I'm supposed to protect." Savina wondered if she should even qualify to be their Lt. General anymore. Would Naniko demote her? The femme couldn't blame her if she did.


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