she has heard this all before
The snow had finally faded into nothing but tiny flurries, the weak sunlight trying to pour through the woods were just flits and slim lines upon the cold ground. Firefly has not in the mood to be dealing with her packmates as of lately. The damnable child they'd brought into the pack made her want to attempt to drown another puppy, the mouthy little brat would have been an excellent choice but she didn't think that killing off a member of Dahlia de Mai was a good way to keep them strong. She bared her fangs in disgust at the idea and stalked quietly down the deer trail.

The weight that hung about her waist was a constant reminder now of how lacking her skills were with the growth within using her as a host. She would rather not starve the host to kill the bastards but it didn't seem that she was going to rid her body of them any other way unless she returned to Phoenix Valley and for her own reasons that didn't seem like a good idea. Mother wouldn't be very happy to hear anything she had to say and there wasn't anything she really wanted her mother to know either. Shaking her head in disgust at the idea she moved softly down the way.

Suddenly the bronze woman lifted her head, in the crisp winter air the scent of another was on the breeze. She had been hoping for an injured rabbit or elder quail but she wasn't so lucky. She probably would have even perferred Haku at this point, anything to keep her from having to deal with a stranger or even someone who knew her in passing to see and realize the truth. She wasn't ready to be a mother, hell, if anyone was smart they would have made it impossible for the creature to bring her own offspring into this world, much less those of her faithless mate. Snarling at that thought her emerald orbs flashed as she caught sight of a flash of white moving towards her on the trail. Sitting back on her haunches she waited for the stranger to make her way to the Acer, she didn't feel like making it any easier or shorten the distance the woman had to take.

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