no void to fill
Iskata didn't know what was going on until Pepe moved closer and she could hear his voice above the wails that she came to realize were coming from her own throat. The soft voice that seemed to try and hush her frantic wails began to take affect as she realized she could hear the soft whimpers and cries of Zana a distance away. She could smell the scent of the girl growing closer as Pepe moved towards her. Her heckles rose as she snapped at the young man. "Keep her away.." she growled roughly as she stood firm. She didn't want the child anywhere near her, she didn't want to smell the scent or known the child she had almost killed was that close.

Her muscles shook as she bared her fangs at the boy and his bundle that was waving before his nose. She felt the touch of his flank as he tried to get her to move along. He outweighed her and soon he was bullying her along out of the corner she'd pressed herself into. Stumbling along she restrained snapping at the boy, if it had been anyone else she probably would have laid fangs into them but instead she let him move her along. She finally balked as he had her out in the open. She did not want that puppy touching her or even close enough to accidently brush against her. She could hear the movement as Pepe abandoned her there and the icy blast of the winds as he seemed to be going outside.

Zana sat there limp in his jaws as he brought her closer to the one who had caused her the pain. She whimpered and moaned as she closed her eyes tight and hoped that if she couldn't see the monster the monster couldn't see her. Little did she know that the monster never had been able to see her in the first place. Soon the scent of the scary woman was replaced with cold brisk air that brought all sorts of scents to her and made the pain seem to faint. Opening her eyes again she was met with the brilliant world of the outdoors. The soot in her eyes made everything a little blurry but soon she found herself in the cold white substance but instead of shivering and crying from the cold she found the pain beginning to dull away.

She felt the frame of the while male move over her as she peered up at Pepe. Zana knew the boy slightly but she didn't want him there. She wanted Jebs or Dabi but they were both missing and she was stuck with the snow man and the monster that was lurking in the doorway. Hiding behind the male's forelegs she cries as he began talking to the creature that had hurt her.

Iskata stood in the hallway shaking as she came to the truth that she had done this to her child. That her child had almost died and now was maimed because she had been left along with the girl and now look what she'd done. When Pepe called out to her she moved towards the door til he could see her but she refused to move out into the open. When he asked for her help she hissed mornfully. "I can't help her.. I nearly killed her!" The woman wasn't stupid but she didn't want a thing to do with the child. She was the reason Zana was needing help right now. She bared her fangs as she whined. "Take her to Deuce or Naniko! I'm useless!" Iskata couldn't and wouldn't help the male. She didn't want to hear those little whimpers that were coming from between the male's forelegs.. they were already engraved in her mind.. she didn't want them written on her heart and cut into her soul every time she was in the same room.

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