that's the hardest part

But “Zdravstvujtye” is Russian.... :/
For the Russian in my post (I had my RL friend help me, hah, ^=^;Wink:

Если ты даже не знаеш как принимать русский язык, у тебя нету даже прав себя называть славик.
(If you do not even know how to take the Russian language, you have no right even to call themselves Slavik.)

The white orbs regarded the Russian as he turned, and a snarl formed upon her maw as he pointed a finger to her. He seemed to be pushing her irritation higher and higher, but she never lost control, and she held onto that control now. Her temper caught the pied Raven’s attention, and he crawed aggravatingly, ruffling his feathers. She felt a strangenss shudder through her, and she found that the strange sensation emanated from the large, obsidian bird. The woad warrior found herself speaking, and her banded ears were pressed forward in offensive aggression. “Yesli ti dazhe ne znayesh kaka prinimat russki yazik, ooh tebya netu dazhe prav sebya nazivat slavik.” She was surprised with herself—where did that come from?—but, save for a swift, sidelong glance at her Dream, her surprise was not apparent. She stood there silently, staring at his back, before she allowed herself to relax once more.

“Perhaps these names are stupid because you cannot comprehend them,” she replied quietly. “Some languages have words that contain a meaning inexpressible by other languages. So why try and compensate for the loss of meaning?” The question, of course, was rhetorical and required no response. Of course, she would not have been surprised if she received one. “No, I was not born in this pack. I come from across the sea.” With her left, free hand, she gestured to the east. “Perhaps, as a cartographer, you know of my lands? Caledonia--” she cut herself off, remembering that this name had been unknown to Firefly and thus supposing that this name may be unknown to the male. “It’s also known as Briton....” Maybe who would know the land better by this name. Or maybe he would not have traveled here and would not know it at all. “I was born there, but I also have Korean blood in me.” After having learned that she had not been raped by her father, that it had merely been an illusion readily accepted as reality by a virgin mind, it was easier to discuss her father. She no longer feared him, but she was well aware that he might still find her.

As he offered his name, she allowed a smile to cross her maw, accepting his name. “Nice to meet you, Nikolai,” she greeted again with a slight nod. Her tail flickered behind her in the wind. “I am well aware of your obvious preoccupation, Nikolai,” she responded sternly. “Perhaps I should be more clear,” she murmured to herself. She did not mean it in a rude manner—she was aware of the difficulties of language and of the barrier it created. Patiently, she reworded her query. “What are you doing so deep beyond the boarders?” Realizing that she had merely repeated herself, she began again. “What I mean is, why are you disregarding the boarders? You’re merely putting yourself in danger....” She peered over to see the map and the crossed-off word upon the parchment. As she didn’t know how to read any language, she did not know exactly what it was that he had crossed off. But using the context of his speech before, she assumed that it had been the name of the pack. “Would you like me to repeat the name of this pack?” She wouldn’t be able to help him with the spelling, but at least she would be able to help him write it phonetically.


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