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Hasn’t there always been something between us, she asked him. Had there? Their first meeting had evolved into a raging wildfire and ended with him burying his seed in her. Until now there had been created no life in her womb, and Haku had decided to believe there was some magical power that would be no fruitful result for their endless pleasures. Mateship meant in general that they were to be tied to each other, and only each other, and he would do such an attempt, and all the torches he had given life to would burn down in the end and die. Life would be a beautiful place once again, and she would be his own private concubine and all his. The cocoa male liked the feeling of power, and he knew he would feel more supremacy over the female once she was officially his. The creature within laid its supporting claws on his shoulder, and he felt the heavy feeling of uncertainty and tininess lift. The full glass was raised to his lips and emptied in a solitary movement and made a dull sound when it returned to the table. The female said his name softly, and he flickered his ears to each of their side of his head and fell a bit, while his breath carried a soft that entered the air.

"Be mine, be my mate."

The male’s words were steady and buttered with a rare treat of emotion. His grip tightened around the warmed up wine glass. He was actually not sure if she could manage without her games. Reality was so much harder to deal with.


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