you're yesterday's child to me
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"Iskata," he said, his voice dropping down to a normal level. His tone was suddenly sympathetic, having lost the confused ferocity that had rang through before. He knew that nothing was working and that most likely, all of his efforts to reassure her and put her back on her pedestal would prove worthless. At least he was trying to believe that not all was hopeless. "I've dealt with only having one eye for years. I can still see, but the limited vision is as disorienting as being completely blind." He sighed. Somehow, the urge to keep trying to open her eyes (so to say) insisted. "I can see, but I can't hunt with this leg. I couldn't raise kids with only one arm. I had to retrain myself how to fight because I knew I had to keep going..." and you know how strong I am, he wanted to say.

He sighed, straightening his back as he stepped back over to the window. Her excuses were plausible, understandable, but Jefferson didn't want to believe them. His single green eye gazed out the window a long moment, cold and indifferent. "When you lose an eye," he said slowly, "you don't just keep seeing the world. Everything changes color. Everything loses its spark. You start seeing a different world from what's real. It's complete blindness either way." He scowled and turned to face her again, though his vision focused on the fire in the hearth instead. In this condition, he couldn't stand to even look at how weak she'd suddenly become. "Your family and the pack is still here. You don't have to be afraid. That hasn't changed."


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