Never Know How To Play It Safe

The bright azure eyes of the wolf stayed glued to the shifted coyote as she noticed Adelaida’s presence. Although Adelaida was bigger, this was a coyote and a shifter, both very dangerous creatures, and so Adelaida felt a great deal of fear. Yet the creature before her seemed to have been startled by Adelaida, which was a novel idea to the wolf and thus Adelaida was enthralled by the following stumbling and fumbling of the creature that took place. Still she did not move, did not indicate her fear or amusement at the other’s fear, but merely stood, eyes wide open and watching.

You eats… Siobhan? This elected a flick of Adelaida’s ear, and a tilt of her head. Not only was the creature’s grammar off, which was excusable due to the young age of the creature, but she had her logic all backwards. Adelaida remembered the other coyote she had come across, the one obsessed with sea monsters, and she wondered if delusion was a common trait among coyotes, Adelaida decided it was. The wolf stood still, staring back at the creature, debating if she really wanted to engage in conversation with this creature of it if would be best to just turn tail and leave. However the female was only a puppy, and so Adelaida decided that the risk was not that great, despite the other’s shifted state, and spoke, her soft timid voice a little irritated at the others (what Adelaida believed to be) a lack of knowledge. Wolves don’t eat coyotes, it’s the other way around. Coyotes kill wolves, didn’t you know that?


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