Stay away from Juliet
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She's got colors to spare and i don't care what they choose

     Cercelee laid her ears back against her skull as Ember answered her question. Khaden was gone. He had just up and left? That seemed out of character for the male, whom she remembered coming to her so honorably and asking for Ember’s hand. Khaden, whom had seemed so concerned for Ember when they had found her in Halifax, bleeding by her own hands, and Khaden who had brought her meals in Twilight Vale when Ember could not hunt for herself. The fur rose along Cercelee’s spine, angry at the male for leaving her cousin, but there was no one to direct that anger to so Cercelee switch to sympathy for the younger girl. "I’m so sorry Ember."

     There was nothing more to say on that subject, Cercelee did not want to pry, though she was always ready to listen should her cousin need an ear. Hearing the question poised to her now, Cercelee shook her head. "Nah, no one’s wanted me, but that’s just as well." Cercelee had never let anyone so close to her since Coli had left her, and though at times she imagined someone filling that void, it seemed no one imagined her in their life. "Where are you staying now?" Esper Hollow was gone, and Cercelee felt a tinge of guilt at not knowing her cousin’s current home. Too often Cercelee got sucked into her own life and neglected to keep up with anyone else’s.

Table by Tammi!


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