looking for an ending
DaVinci shook his head sadly at his cousin and her seeming dislike of the child she'd yet even seen. "But Cercee.. she really wants to meet you!" he said mockingly as he pulled the flap back on the satchel to expose the bright grey lilac eyes that were so excited to escape the darkness of the case. Her tail thumped heavily against the side of the case as she yapped annoyingly at the new face before her, her short little legs still to small to reach her body over the ledge. Her narrow muzzle tipped over the edge as she smiled at the woman. Too soon for the child DaVi's paw seemed to settle atop her head as she babbled in annoyance at her half brother as he laughed. "You can't blame the child for who her mother is now can you? Or is it just kids, do they make you nervous?" He really didn't care what her reason was for not wanting to know the child, the fact that she didn't want to was enough.

His eyes stared at her as though she had said the stupidest thing in the world at the notion of him having child, he raised a brow as he asked. "What's wrong, you haven't managed to get the gest of how it's all done?" He grinned slightly as he added. "It does take two you know.. so I guess you do have an excuse.." It seemed that the two of them still had their little sparring matches to see who deserved more. Mocking and playing with the truths was nothing new to Davinci but he couldn't help shaking his head at the off color remark she had left him with. "Co'mon Cercee, that hurt. You should meet them.." He eyed her a moment before shaking his head. "On second thought.. no, you'd probably try and corrupt them against me.." He doubted she'd even want anything to do with his kids but there was always the chance that they would take a liking to the ivory relative and that wouldn't do.. or atleast it would make it harder on him atleast.

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