i'll be a brand new day in a life that you hate

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

He offered a genuine smile as she beckoned him further into the mansion. Though familiar, it seemed almost ghostly to him – different somehow. He didn’t respond right away when she spoke, and only took in the sights of the home. They moved down the hall towards the kitchen and that end of the house. He took the opportunity to move into the living room, noting the familiar odds and ends. "Neither did I," he responded, his back now turned to Anu as he studied the mansion. He gave her a side glance, explaining, "She disappeared only minutes after I was born."

He decided to take a seat on the furniture that was situated in the room. Pilot not being here didn’t really matter to him all that much. There was Shadowed Sun and Twilight Vale, and then they had converged into this Crimson Dreams. He supposed his father should have been here, but who knew. He could only shrug his shoulders. "I’m sure I’ll run into him sooner or later," he responded.

"So," he started, hoping he shouldn’t have known this information already. "What about you? I mean, do you have relations here in Crimson Dreams?"


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