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Mew Sadira

wru inspirasjon og du ska få photoshop å di, eg love. Friskare nå, mhm. ryggen då?

It seemed to be the time for revealing secrets, and perhaps Mew had underestimated her brother once again. So he was already a father, eh? Pondering for a moment on the fact, Mew reached the conclusion that the girl must be quite old now, since she had been here already for some time and this had to have happened not long after her leave should he have time to raise her and everything. Suddenly she was interested in names and details but she knew she shouldn't bother him with it. The man didn't seem very happy with the thought of having more children, and not particularly pleased with how things had worked out in the past, and thus she would not push him. Or maybe a little. He opened up for it so he could stand it, but she'd be nice. At least to Haku. I didn't know. She wasn't one to sniff out rumours and information. If she had wanted to, she could probably have sought the right people and learnt everything that had happened while she had been away, including some details about this daughter of his, but it wasn't really of importance anymore anyway. I'm sorry to hear that... He shared what he wished to share and she would not pry otherwise. This mysterious niece was gone now however, and by the phrasing Mew assumed she had died. She could say something like "I guess you've learnt now", but she wouldn't. It wasn't her place as she didn't know how hard or easy it could be to raise children. And now things are repeating themselves, sort of, though.. shit happens, eh?. Perhaps he would do better a second time around?


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