Who's this queen of stranger places

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ablebg.jpg);background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:top;">
Mew Sadira

I completely forgot about this thread! >_< didn't put it into my post log and then it went poof out of my head, I'm SO sorry Sad( and now I'm rambling, sorry for that too Tongue
Word count: 561

Some time passed, and Mew spent them looking at the swirling air that exited her mouth. Only seconds after her call she could hear a response cruising over the treetops, telling her that Cwmfen was indeed on her way. So much information one could put into a howl. So much information one could put into a song. It seemed, to Mew, that people often underestimated music to simple entertainment or something to go in the background of an event. It was a shame, because there were such a lot of things one could say with music that could not be said otherwise. Simple things, and something as lush and detailed as how one's emotions suddenly rise to the boiling point when a powerful surge of music takes you over and your mind is forced away from whatever it was doing. After spending hours in the library, reading lots of books to try and understand the workings of several objects she found there, she had managed to play recorded human music from a large black disc. Not until then had she understood what the music books meant by "orchestra" or "brass" but it was very overwhelming, really, compared to that small and solitary sound that came from her when she played her guitar. Some of the music on the disc was incredibly massive, with lots of instruments and people working together. All that complexity could be found in a simpler song as well, and in just a howl or a sentence, if one'd just look for it. Or so Mew believed anyways. She liked the sound of Cwmfen's howl - not that many bothered to put a lot of effort into them.

Mind trailing off into vast music-philosophic landscapes, it was interrupted by the arrival of the now-not-so-new-anymore female. Her fur was even more strange when looking at her closely, and Mew could not decide whether that blue in all the black was dyed or natural. If she was just like that from birth then Mew probably wouldn't believe it anyways, so she'd refrain from asking the question. The young girl was polite and respectful and formal and all of that, but Mew didn't worry. Cwmfen would soon find out that Mew did not care much for formalities. But to match the dark girl's behavior, Mew also lowered her muzzle in a greeting, and when it was lifted again it was decorated with a smile. Yes. We haven't properly met, really, and I figured it was about time. Turning around to face the building wall Mew reached out with a white-pelted hand and opened the door to the old building, revealing a warmer and more comfortable atmosphere inside. Taking a few steps in, Mew turned her head again and attempted to meet the gaze of the other. The white orbs were different from anything she's seen before, but then again so was the rest of her. Of all the things that came wandering into their pack, such a strange little girl. Some details, however, revealed where her green irises should be focusing, and if they didn't really hit spot on she was sure the darker femme would forgive her. The smile that was on her face was welcoming and warm, and there was nothing fake about it. Come inside. There was no reason to stand out in the cold, now was there?


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