Bend and not Break (Joining)
[html]Simon watched the pretty girl closely. She didn't seem to know that she was the princess at all! He leaned in close to her and breathed in deeply. He sat there for a moment before doing it again, inhaling noisily to show that this sniffing was some serious business. He backed up a little bit, not wanting to crowd her royal highness's space. After all, princesses sometimes could be delicate. "You is the princess," he said, nodding sagely.

She just didn't seem to understand that she was though! Didn't she know? It was obvious to Simon, but he decided to explain for her benefit. It was important to know your own identity. "You has eyes like flowers," he said and looked into her violet eyes very seriously. "You smell sweet! And you is very pretty. Those are all princess things."

He would have been a little shy admitting that he thought she was pretty if she had been a normal girl. But the earth brown puppy clearly wasn't an average girl. Simon liked to think he was a brave boy, but at first looking at the girl with eyes like flower petals had made him feel shy. But he had a duty to the princess to make sure that she understood who she was and that gave him courage.

Simon fidgeted a little when she asked him if he was a knight. He really wished he was one, so he could be worthy of being near the princess, but he was just a normal boy. "I never met a princess afore that could make me a knight," he said honestly. "I'll be your knight, princess, if you want me to." Although his tail wagged behind him, he said this very seriously. As seriously as any puppy could. He looked at her intensely.

But then he remembered that this was a princess he was talking to! He shouldn't be looking at her so hard, or much at all. He dropped his gaze to his paws. She probably thought he was a huge dope with his weird overly big paws and long skinny legs. He didn't look like much of a knight at all. Maybe an orge in training. His tail stopped wagging. He let his chocolate brown eyes move over the snow before he caught a glint in the distance. With eyes wide, he moved to stand in front of the princess and his ears flicked back. "Snow queen..." he breathed. What did she want with his princess?


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