she was not one of them, she always stands alone
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Tayui had not gotten too far from the lighthouse, and in fact, she could still see it from where she was. It looked listless, dead, completely silent. The building glowered back at her, as if angry she had managed to escape the wind, leaving the old building to rot. Tayui glanced away, feeling a chill as it crept up her spine, threatening to move farther and expand its reach. She shook her head, shuffling slightly and trying to warm herself. Despite her thick layer of fur, she felt chilled, her nerves frozen and numbed.

She lifted her gaze, only then noticing the form of another wolf making its way toward her as Tayui made her way toward her. She squinted, trying to see who it was, only able to make out the other canine's off-white pelt. Or perhaps it was white -- for some reason, everything was a little hazy. Tayui approached the other wolf, wondering why there was someone else aside from herself out here. As she neared, she noticed the wolf's eyes, ones that might have been green, but had visibly darkened to a deep forest green, almost black. Then Tayui paused, gasping quietly. "Aurèle?" she asked at last, trying to figure out why her sister had flecks of blood splattered on her once-pure pelt, why she was running so quickly from the direction of the lighthouse. "What..." she began, then trailed off. What had happened that had left her sister breathless and bloodied, yet without any wounds of her own?


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