Endless rain into a paper cup

Dierdre was a little surprised at his words. Her? A wonderful mom? She hadn't had too many little ones to practice mothering on, but did babysit her younger brothers and sisters occasionally. It was a little different, because she knew that they weren't hers, but she was able to do a bit, with teaching them skills and helping them solve some of their young problems. She liked that; it made her feel more useful in the pack.

"I haven't...talked to him about it, but I've thought about it before. Storm's a wonderful place for little ones to grow up; I've learned from experience. I wonder what he'd say-he likes the pups here well enough..I think that he'd be a really good father"

She fired her arrow as well, but it completely missed the target, sinking into the wood of the wall behind it. Dierdre didn't feel too bad about the damage, because no one really lived here or cared about the buildings here any more...they could shoot them up as much as they wanted and not get into trouble for it. Half the buildings were in shambles anyway.

She nodded to Phoenix, resting the bow's end on the floor. "We can meet up another time and practice, with some real prey" She offered. Using the bows reminded her of some of the things she'd read about old human weapons. They'd had these metal things that they used to kill each other...the book had shown some pictures...the metal things shot out little pieces of something at the target at a really fast rate. She wasn't sure what exactly was shot out, though. And how would they be able to make enough force to shoot it out really fast?

Dierdre frowned, thinking this over. "I haven't found any other weapons shops...I read about this strange weapon-I think they called it...a goon? gun? I'm not sure. But it worked a little bit like the bows do, shooting things out at people. But they were made of metal. I've never seen one..it'd be interesting to find something like that."[/html]

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