Bend and not Break (Joining)
[html]Simon would protect the princess with his dying breath from any threat, knight or not. He watched as the Snow Queen approached. She was definitely bigger than he was. He swallowed hard, making a gulping sound, but he looked quickly behind him at the violet-eyed girl and toughened up. He might not be able to vanquish the great and terrible winter beauty, but maybe he could distract her long enough for the princess to run away. There had to be a real knight somewhere around here that could take care of the princess like she deserved.

He let out a little noise of dismay when the princess came out from behind him and went toward the snow queen. She obviously did not know how this was supposed to work! First he had had to explain to her that she was the princess, and now she didn't know that her honor and safety had to be defended from creatures like snow queens! If they got out of this alive, he was going to have a very long talk with her. There was so much she needed to learn. He knew that protecting princesses would be tough, but he hadn't thought that the princess would make things even more difficult.

He trotted dutifully to the princess's side, ready to do whatever needed to be done before the weight of her words stopped him in his tracks. The Snow Queen was her momma? But her next words nearly made him bowl over. She had named him her knight! A dopey grin crossed his face and he started forward again, nearly tripping over his big feet. "I's sorry, milady. I thought you were going to kidnap the princess." He peered quickly into Naniko's eyes before looking away, instinct telling him not to stare too long into a large, dominant wolf's eyes. They weren't pearly gray with snowflakes whirling in them, but more like a deep gemstone green.

Even Queen Naniko seemed to be confused about her status! What was up with the royalty around here? He sighed a little, but smiled at her as he dutifully explained. "Lady Naniko, you is a queen. Your daughter Mati...." he paused for a minute. He had never asked her name, but he really liked it. He had expected it to be a bit more fancy, flourishing, but he loved the simple syllables. He could say the princess' name very easily. "...has eyes like flowers, smells very sweet, and she is very pretty, just like you. She is the princess, you are the queen." He hoped that Naniko would understand.

And it did seem like there was a knight in town to oversee that the royals lived in peace. Some Jazper character. Well, that was a relief! He looked sidelong at Mati. So she didn't really need his help at all. That saddened him a little, and his tail lowered just a notch. But wait a minute. She had named him a knight! Did that mean he was her knight? He looked at her, as if she could hear his thoughts and expected her to answer. But then his chocolate brown eyes slid to the floor one more time. He didn't have any business staring at princesses!

"It is nice ta meets ya too, Lady," Simon responded as politely as possible. His mother had taught him manners and he would use them to the best of his abilities. He shook his head at Naniko's question. "I is not visiting, Lady. I is questing." Just like his mother had told him to. "My momma told me 'be good, be useful, Simon. Make sure you help anyone you see that needs it. Be the best Simon you can be. And be brave like a knight.'" His tone had gotten softer and a little higher as he mimicked his mother. He wasn't mocking her, but as a puppy, he was quite the literalist.

"I cannot be my momma's knight no more. She's with daddy now," he said, and his voice got a little shaky. He cleared his throat though and shook it off. He wanted to show Mati she had made a good choice when she named him a knight. "My momma sent me on a quest to be a knight. And I's found a princess to defend," he looked at Mati with pure adoration and wagged his tail. "I know I am not very big yet, but I can learn, my lady. Maybe the Jazper Knight can teach me. Please accept me into your service!"


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