empty walls

Hii! Big Grin

She asked him again. "Where does it hurt?", trying to get a more specific answer. Sometimes birds were the hardest to communicate with. Their minds worked so differently than wolves...they were more flighty, and hyper. Especially the smaller ones. She'd been trying to figure out what was wrong with this cardinal for more than an hour; first he said that he had chest pain, then pain in his wings. Maybe he'd slept in an odd position, or something, and was sore from it.

"Wings, wings hurt. Hurt! Naniko sighed. So much for a better answer. "Do your...shoulders hurt? Above your wings. Does it hurt to fly?" The bird immediately perked up, nodding its head quickly. "yes yes, hurts to fly." Ah. So this was probably just a shoulder sprain. She asked the cardinal if both hurt, or just one, recieving another affirmation. Both. "I'm going to give you some of these ground-up sunflower seeds. They're mixed with medicine that will make you feel better. Eat all of it, and I'll come back tomorrow to see if it still hurts to fly"

She put the little bag of birdseed into the hollow beside where the cardinal sat then closed her backpack, putting it up on her shoulders. She'd been doing this for months now, working to help the wolves and creatures that lived in the mists of Clouded Tears. She had a sort of a clinic set up in her den, and she mixed all of her own medicines.

Naniko started out toward the border, travelling quickly and easily through the mists and snow. The fog was here most every morning around this time, right when the sun was coming up, and usually dissapeared by mid-morning. On particularly wet days, though, the fog tended to stick around for longer. In any case she was used to moving around in it, and knew the territory, even when blinded by the mist.

There was something she wasn't prepared for, which she found a few moments later. A stranger. Naniko knew that she would be hard to see, with both the mists and the snow to camoflauge her, but it still made her worry.



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