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Matrix was adept with her hands, and she took pride in this ability. To some extent, she sought to be a jack of all trades--much like her father. Apache had been a very talented individual, able to craft remarkable pieces of glass, able to erect sturdy wooden and stone structures, and even able to bang metals into usable and different forms. His daughter took a quick interest in these skills and practised them regularly--although it still took her much longer than Apache to get things just right. One day, she hoped to be able to work as quickly and elegantly as he. All the while, she exercised and kept her mother's gift well-tuned, too. Because of her sleek form and rich coyote heritage, Matrix was able to move even faster than Twilight at times--although she grew distracted by her father's teachings, too, so she couldn't practise as regularly as someone like Twilight or Skoll could. Of course, gathering and preparing the materials necessary for glass, metal, or woodworking could be a workout on its own.
Either way, Matrix knew that she was fortunate. She was lucky to have two parents that were experts in their fields, and she was lucky that she possessed the mind and body to take advantage of her teachings. Although she did her best to remain humble and relatively well-mannered, she couldn't help but feel slightly superior to many individuals--especially those around her age or younger. Indeed, the hybrid would often came across as older than she really was, if not for her youthful face. The net result was that she rarely valued anybody else's opinions, and because of this she simply didn't ask. With Skoll (and definitely her parents), however, there was a well-crafted foundation of respect. They had already proven themselves, in her mind. She trusted her mother's words enough to believe in Skoll, at least.
"Yeah; they're generally on the smaller side, only as big as one of the largest rooms in a traditional human dwelling. The walls and roof are composed entirely of glass panels," she explained, not sure how else a greenhouse could be described. "They have dirt floors, though, obviously, for growing the plants." A shrug. He would probably know one now if he saw it. Her best guess was to wander about the old human suburbia-hell--maybe one of the old families had a vegetable garden out back. "But yeah, I figure that'll be my first major project. Maybe I'll set up my own little base--somewhere to grow the plants and even to work on my metal and glass-work. Perhaps a shed extension for the greenhouse? Heh; it'll take a few months, though." At least she was being fairly realistic. When she was done, though, she had an inkling Gabriel would be pleased. She wasn't sure how much she cared about pleasing her leader, as much as proving to someone she could do all of the things she said she could.

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