that's the hardest part
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"Please, you must tell me more about myself," the woad female remarked wryly. One of the things that irritated her most was when wolves like him presumed to know everything, especially about her. About who she was. About what she did. Modesty kept her silent, but belligerence bristled in her mane. She was shy but not outspoken. Such dichotomies laced her personality mercilessly. The white orbs regarded the male, flickering with white-hot tongues of a wild tranquility. "Perhaps you will better understand when you’re older. Some things only come with age and wisdom," she sighed with resignation. The woad-marked female was not going to waste time trying to make someone understand when he did not want to.

"For one who claims to listen, you do not seem to be hearing," she said quietly. She lifted her maw to the heavens, closing her eyes as she slowly swept the vast world and listened. She heard the song of the world, stronger to her now than it was when the heavens didn’t weep. Sighing, she turned back to the male, opening her eyes white as snow. "I’m listening, and the world seems to be singing a different song." But she doubted that he would hear the same song....

"Yes, you did tell me that three times, but that is not what I was asking. Once again, you have failed to listen, cartographer." She watched him sidelong as she reached up to stroke the pied Raven’s throat. Then her full attention was on the bird as she was silent, and she wondered to herself the implications of this Dream. "He is no demon," she murmured quietly, searching his black eye with her questioning white gaze. She had often thought that he might be, for it was too much of a coincidence that the bird’s markings were the same as her father’s, who no doubt hunted her even at that moment. But, despite her own personal demons, the Raven Dream had brought her no ill fortune thus far, and she felt no ill omen would come from the bird. Even as she peered into the bird’s soul, there was nothing of darkness that she could find there. Content, she turned back to the Russian. "If the Raven bothers you so greatly, he need not be in such proximity." And she sent the large creature into the sky with a powerful thrust of her arm, the spear piercing the sky as the form of the bird rapidly dissipated into the white, snowing world. But he was never far from her side. The song of the spear burst forth with that single movement, and she was silent as she regained herself, breathless for its beauty.

The woad warrior watched the place where the Raven once was before returning her attention to Nikolai. She wondered why he would not return to his homeland, but she did not ask. She nodded imperceptibly in agreement to the statement. She could not return to Caledonia either, for her father, the crow wolf, would find her, and he had something worse than death on his mind. If he discovered that her body had already been taken once by another male, she did not know what would happen. A slight shiver of fear ran down her spine, but it was easily dismissible, for the world had grown cold. There was very little that the she-wolf feared, but the crow wolf was no ordinary creature. The black female looked up at the male. "Dahlia de Mai is welcoming new members. She is short of males. If you are no longer wandering, creating maps for the world, perhaps you can find a place here."


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