pretty noose is pretty hate


Bane stuck out like a sore thumb in the winter. It made everything more of a challenge, particularly hunting, especially when it was snowing. It formed a perfect white backdrop and his black fur was perhaps the most obvious thing for miles. He didn't feel out of place. Though he spent ninety percent of his time on two legs, he hadn't lost that connection with nature.

The instinct had been bothering him that day. It ebbed and flowed in his head like the ocean tides, and it distracted him from his normal thought process. He didn't know what it was. Perhaps he was taking too long. At some point, he would visit Inferni and attempt to solve this. He just didn't want to come across as crazy. And so he walked to clear his head, and as he walked, he caught the scent of a stranger. He had yet to meet a person here who turned him away, so he made his way towards the man, walking steadily against the wind.

As he saw the stranger first from a distance, he was able to pinpoint details, such as the small black thing he was playing with. "You're going to lose that if you're not careful," Bane told him with a smile as he slowed his walk and moved closer to the man wearing the scarf. With each step, the wolf got fuzzier, his lines blurring into the snow that fell behind him. Bane remedied this by pulling his glasses case from the pocket of his jeans and putting them on.


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