Brother, My Brother

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

He had spent a night under the stars. Maybe not the smartest idea, but he was equipped enough for it. He thanked his arctic blood for that. He had become used to sleeping inside the mansion now and so the cold ground had seemed so foreign to him. The night sky, however, was much appreciated. He missed watching the twinkling stars overhead as he feel asleep. All of the nights he was alone, he would somehow feel as if he weren’t so secluded when gazing towards the starry night.

Bringing himself up the stairs, he headed towards he and his brother’s old bedroom. Upon returning to Twilight Vale (or Crimson Dreams now) he had half expected to find it occupied. Despite the passage of time, it remained much the same. Sirius’ forgotten toys still remained strewn across the floor. Apollo paused in the doorway, leaning against the wooden frame as he peered into towards the familiar figure inside his room. A small grin caught his lips. They had both gotten older, and it was strange to see just how large Jazper had grown. "Hey bro," he greeted, because in his messed up life of blood and ties, these two were related.


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