Leave Out All the Rest (AW)
[html]Simon lifted his face to take in the looming form of a giant. His eyes widened and he forgot about washing his paws. He had to take a step back to fit the giant into the frame of his vision. He shook off his shock and the excitement underneath it, his eyes tracing over the big wolf to capture all the details. Aside from being huge, he was outfitted with a belt, and cloak and dagger. The sandy colored puppy didn't know what to make of this giant.

"I's not lost. I belong here," the sandy-colored puppy said, finding his voice. He was embarrassed to find that it squeaked a little at the end. Now that wouldn't do! If the villains knew that Princess Mati's knight was a scaredy cat, they'd come flying out of the woodwork. He needed to make a better impression. "I'm the Simon Knight, Petty Officer," he said, this time his voice was steady and he tried to inject a little authority in it. Simon thought he had done a good job of it, when in reality it just made him sound cute.

His eyes strayed back to the bloody knife. He looked at it hard as he thought. He had promised Naniko not only to protect her daughter, but to see to his duties for Crimson Dreams too. That meant that his knightly duties extended to every aspect of security for the kingdom. But looking at the giant, he couldn't tell whether or not he was a good guy or a bad guy. And being a literalist puppy, Simon figured that it was best to ask if you wanted answer. "Mister, I needsta know, are you a good guy or a bad guy? If you are a good guy, you can sticks around, but if you is a bad guy..." He took his eyes from the knife and looked back into the giant's face. "You's gonna have to go through me." No way in Hades would he let a bad guy giant run around when the princess was so near.


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