Endless rain into a paper cup
The patriarchal wolf knew that Dierdre would be a good mother because she knew exactly what not to do from her own mother’s example. Besides, he had seen the way she acted around his children, her brothers and sisters. She cared about them and took good care of them whenever he and Iskata needed a break or had other things to do. Besides, she would most likely mimic the parenting skills he had used on her when she was a pup. Of course, back then he hadn’t really considered that he was raising her like a father. He just took care of her when she came to visit because it was the right thing to do… the realization that he’d become a father hadn’t hit until she was an adult. “So do I,” he agreed with her.

Not wishing to waste more time in the store, Phoenix retrieved the two arrows and returned Dierdre’s to her. “I was thinkin’ we should practice on a tree or somethin’ first. That way we won’t hafta worry ‘bout losin’ any arrows before we’re ready t’put them to use.” It would have to be someplace away from the rest of the pack, a place that few visited. He didn’t want to have to worry about someone walking in on them and accidentally getting a wayward arrow in the gut. He wanted to master this tool to help his pack, not kill anyone in it. “Let’s go find somethin’ for your mate now,” he suggested.

Phoenix held the door open so Dierdre could follow him outside, all the while listening to the words she spoke. Even though he was planning to use a human weapon the species and their lifestyle still made him nervous somewhat. “Sounds dangerous—even more dangerous than these things. No wonder they killed each other out, mostly. I’m glad that pack of ‘em finally left.” They were a strange species. They’d created so much yet at the same time destroyed just as much if not more.

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