Into the BLUE

Since she was so close it was just stupid to give up now. Determined to not return home without setting her eyes on the ocean she propelled herself forward, hopping through the grasses and gaining speed. Mati got only a few feet before a voice called to her. Ears flattened against her head, and she froze in her place. It was a harsh voice that told her that she was certainly in trouble.

Both of her mothers had scolded her, though she had never really done anything that called for stern punishment. Not used to be called out so abruptly, she turned to face the male but eyes averted his gaze. It took a few breaths to calm her heart and gain the courage needed to look him in the eye. He was as harsh look as his voice, with a long scar don his face and one eye shut tight. His curious features brought her out of her timid state.

Unashamed about her staring she answered him idly. Wells I fink momma Nani is ats the mansion and momma Anu is huntings. But I weally dono. Hoping that her answer would satisfy him she looked away again, suddenly aware that it was rude to stare.


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