Stay away from Juliet
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She's got colors to spare and i don't care what they choose

     Cercelee nodded and smiled at her cousin’s encouragement, although she wasn’t sure she could make something work. Maybe if someone sought after her, but Cercelee couldn’t bring herself to be interested in anyone who did not long after her, perhaps she was narcissistic in that manner or perhaps just insecure. Slay at times seemed, with his words, his sidelong glances, to think of her in that manner, but then he disappeared and reappeared with sweet words on his lips for every other female. Considering Ember and herself, Cercelee wondered who was better off. Having known love and lost or having not known at all and unknowing if she would ever.

     Cercelee was glad to listen to Ember, let her own plaguing thoughts vanish. A tribe? "I’ll have to come visit you once the tribe is organized, I hope you’ll be happy there." And she truly did. Whenever she found Ember it seemed that the female was floating between packs, and soon as she did settled something came to shatter it. "Haku is.. Haku. He and Firefly have, become mates I believe. The two of them are always up to something." And they were, always getting under each other’s skin, trying to stay out from under Cer’s. Yet they were loyal, to her at least, and even when their desires clashed with Cer’s commands, they knew their place if the Rosea was present. Still, despite that, Firefly and Haku gave Cercelee an odd feeling, she kept her eye on the two of them. "Have you spoken to Firefly since… that day?" That day Ember’s arm had been snapped and her body battered by her own sister. Had they mended the fence or had silence still plagued them?

Table by Tammi!


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