looking for an ending
DaVinci just shrugged. He didn't hate Cercelee nor did he have anything really against her. Their little bickers had started long before he even had any clue of their bloodlines and now it was more a joke of what he found between the ivory coated woman and himself. He grinned at her words and just admitted. "I never wanted children.. I never knew I had them til they were nearly half grown.." He flicked his stormy orbs off towards the distant lands as he chuckled. "I don't think the Sadira approval exists anymore.." He knew it was cruel but he figured that the whole Sadira line had really died out with his mother and her father and the whole bloody lot of them. "Are we really Sadiras' anymore?" he asked.

There had been a whole long list of Sadiras but though he let himself be listed among them he knew as well that he was something more and he was nothing at all. He was still striving to make his own world and though he had to revert back to being under the wings of his mother he now knew that he was something more than a name. He smiled at the woman who just watched him. She thought she knew everything there was to know by looking in his eyes and listening to his taunts and teases. She knew nothing of the world he lived in, the line divided between the world of his lover and the unjustice that was where they were born and lived. His sad eyes just watched her a moment before he flicked his eyes away.

He was more than surprise when she asked about Iskata but he figured that she was the leader of the pack and that Iskata at one point had lead as well. He just shook his head and said softly. "I'm not for certain.. she says it was all an accident.. and yet she was attacked by a bear. I'm not for certain but I've never known a bear to accidently maul someone." His words were bitter but it was more the fact that his mother's story never added up no matter how he tried to place it. He figured one day it might make sense, or perhaps she'd enlighten him to the truths she'd misplaced so far but until then he was left with the half way point. Gazing back to Cercelee all the playful banter was missing as they moved onto the real world. "She removed herself from leading the pack.. Jefferson has stepped up..and lent a hand where needed." He really didn't know how in the world to explain how much had recently changed in their pack. Everything had smoothly rolled along but he still noticed all the differences and they still made him uneasy.. with just the knowledge of what once had been and what was here now.

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