Fly into my palm...and collapse.
Stockholm let out a breath she hadn't known she had been holding when Ember decided to join her for a meal. It was a simple thing on the surface, but she thought that it was probably unusual for the dark girl. She didn't like that Ember probably didn't break bread with anyone very often. The act of sharing a meal, although simple, was very meaningful on the most primal level. It indicated trust on a certain level, although a subconscious one. Food was life, in a sense, and sharing food was kind of like sharing livelihood.

She arrived near the brush and sat beside her kill, waiting for Ember to join her. She positioned herself to be across from the green eyed girl, but refrained from really looking at her. She didn't want to make her uncomfortable or make her reconsider her tenuous acceptance to keep spending time with her.

"I'm not the world's most accomplished hunter," she said sheepishly. Her bounty was modest, but she had caught plenty for just the two of them, if only for one moderate meal. She wished she were better able and equipped to take down a bigger kill and have something better to offer this intriguing stranger, but small boned as she was, she utilized as many of her resources possible that afternoon. Her muscles ached slightly from the hunt, but faint traces of adrenaline still coursed through her veins.

And the thrill of the chase was still upon her, although this time she was hunting in a metaphorical sense. And Ember made for much more interesting and elusive prey, giving a much stranger chase. She dropped her eyes from the wolfess and began to nibble at the food, hoping to break the ice so the girl would join in too.

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