In the house of flies
I fail.

“I don't see why they would,” she answered him before turning and heading off towards the mansion. “Talitha's liable to be afraid of you, she didn't have such a good run in with some wolves,” but why for she didn't bother aying, “and Ezekiel spent some time away from here with a couple of friends of Gabriel's that are, well, wolves. I'd say they're pretty adjusted.” As for meeting them, she didn't know how that would all go down. How they acted one day could very well have been different from another.

“I bet they'll like you,” she went on to say after a moment, musing over the possibility that they would get along just fine. Optimism didn't always come to her, but she felt like she could handle feeling that way. “So maybe you'll find some common ground to talk about. There's another here that you might get along with too. Her name is Ryan. She wears clothes like those coyotes that were here did.” Corona liked her well enough, so she was worth mentioning too.


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