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Simon's face broke out into a huge goofy grin when the princess turned to address him. She was unlike what he had expected. He had expected her to be beautiful, and she had beat that expectation in spades, but she was so nice. He hadn't expected her to be so warm and welcoming, but she was. And he thought that she was perfect in every single way, but he didn't know how to tell her that. He tried to wipe the wide smile from his face, to give her the proper respect she deserved, but he couldn't.

He crept up next to her, standing shoulder to shoulder. He didn't see an imminent danger from the fallen tree, so he didn't think he should stand in front of her. He peered through the dark branches, studying it. There might be a few branches that would scratch her. He frowned and didn't like the idea of her going in for that reason, but he didn't think that should restrict her freedom either. He would just have to watch her carefully to make sure she didn't get hurt.

"It looks like a secrets place," he said in agreement. She seemed concerned about never having been there before. Well, he couldn't very well have that! She had no reason to be afraid as long as he was around. Keeping her safe was his job after all! "I's make sure it is safe for you, princess," he stated to put her fears to rest. He ambled forward, going to his belly to wiggle under the fallen branches. They were scratchy, but they didn't hurt exactly. Finally he was able to stand up. He sniffed around before he turned back to her. "You can comes now, Lady Mati. It is prickly but nothing bad." He hoped that the princess liked to explore. He certainly did.

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